tiistai 26. kesäkuuta 2012

Mysterious mail time

Hello guys! Again it has been such a long while since I've last time actually updated something in here, so it is about time that I am back in here and typing this and updating you guys about my art status and stuff like that. I haven't really even much produced art lately, since my Photoshop CS5 quit working, so I ordered the Photoshop CS6 extended and received it about two weeks about, and it has been working like a wonder!
So well,I have been eventually doing pretty okay, things are sometimes a bit complicated, but life is that, right?
If it wouldn't be, would it even count as life?
But anyhow.
Today I have again some Supernatural for you guys!
It was actually a 'Mysterious Mail' I've sent for a friend of mine just to surprise her, because she sent me something what I absolutely fell in love with, so I wanted to back favour her as well with something self-made as well. 

 So here we got the rough sketch/linearting for this one piece. I've gotten actually much better at straightly linearting and stuff like that, but this is actually a quite cleaned up version of what I usually paint and stuff like that. So it's a clean sketchlineart? I don't actually even know a proper word for that. /chuckle
A close-up on the face and how I sculpted it and already started to blend the colours togetherin this point. I am pretty happy how I've sculpted the nose and lips and the ears in this one, since I usually have most trouble with those parts on the human body, right after clothing and hair.
So here I've already started to paint on the shirt, and on this point I already got the hair and face set and done except for the detailing which still remains in this point.
I have been lazy enough to not save so many process pictures, so I am pretty sorry. So here we already got the shirt and the jacket done.
Honestly speaking I should quit being so lazy to take process pictures or screenshots... But oh well at this point I got quite the trouble to come up with a night background since I had already in the start decided that it's going to be in night vision, so you can only imagine with how many different backgrounds I tried with.
I first tried with a church window, but no.
A road?
A forest road?

Still in this point I had some lighting errors and stuff, but I painted the background in a separate window and added it to this picture, so I will add the background to the end as well, because I'm pretty pleased how it turned out.
/Note to myself; Never paint forests again.
So here I did the final fixes and this was the final result of this all! I am pleased how it turned out and it was my first painting on Photoshop CS6, so I was a little bit lost with all the features and stuff like that.
But I truly hope you will enjoy the result as much as I do, and I hope that you will maybe leave a comment and stuff like that. You don't have to if you don't want to, but it is always appreciated and it makes me smile. :) I used a bit reference on the pose, but I just can't find the photo anymore from my computer because I am not so organized as I should be. /shrug

So well, the background can be found right here!

So yeah... The file is much bigger than the painting itself really.Got a lot of different layers and filters and stuff like that to make it look a  bit spooky to work with the picture so... yeah!

So I sent her a Dean Winchester. I really hope she'll like it, because I'm really really nervous and feel like I didn't really do my best even though I did... God things are complicated.
But well, I hope you enjoyed this longer journal entry, and I will update later on.
Just started with a new project, called "Almost Me." And it's gonna be huuge. And Original /what
So well.
I hope you are doing well, and see you next time!