perjantai 8. helmikuuta 2013

Moment of Solitude

Haven't been doing much lately, so I decided to bring my ass around to do a proper painting once again. So I haven't completely forgotten about you guys either. 
So, I started to just sketch, and I have been feeling rather stressed about everything. I have had a lot of things in school and I feel like I am drowning in them. So what I would like to have a moment of solitude myself as well.
And somehow, that's the point with this painting I will show step-by-step to you. 

Jensen Why you so ANIME? =(^o^)=
So here is the sketch. I came to the conclusion that I better just show you the picture than take screen shots, since the line art is really tiny. Click on the image for a better view. And yes, I've put my signature over it since I found out people has been stealing my art, and I really am sad that I have to do this. But I hope you understand my point of view. I am sick and tired of running after some kids stealing my art from the net. But anyway. let's get moving.
So, I already started with the eyes and I've been doing extra carefully the shading this time, since I really want this to be perfect. I don't usually like to put too much effort, but now when I haven't drawn again in a long while, I really find this enjoyable. I already painted the eyes to a shape and brought the nose and lips out. I'll continue to shade in the black and whites. 
Now I have blended in the colours, still I have to blend in the black edges and do some facial structures and textures and we're getting closer to done. 

Well this is going to take a while.
Yess, I am sill alive, and I am now gonna make a quick background and I am done!
And here's the result of this painting I was making. I am actually pretty pleased with the result to be honest. I like the colours and the eyes especially in this detailing work. And the nose! The bloody nose!
So well. I hope you like it and see you around