lauantai 15. joulukuuta 2012

We need a little bit Christmas!

Since most of my friends on the Christmas card list already got their Christmas cards, now I can finally post them here!
So here's my Castiel Christmas card! This is the one I am most proud of since I kinda like his sideburn and his lips in this one : D Should do more shell shading works again, love that technique!

 And here we got my Dean Christmas Card and I can honestly say that I was not too proud of this one and I didn't come up with what he'd be saying so.. it's a bit half assed, but still I was pretty okay with the fact that I sent this one to people. Let's see in a couple of weeks when the regret hits back. And in the Backrgound we got really shitty silhouettes of Castiel, Bobby and Sam. 

And this one I was actually pretty proud of except of the derp reindeer on Sam's ugly Christmas sweater.. But there was only one who wanted Sam for Christmas /manly tears

But yes, these was this years Christmas cards from me! I know I was lazy in shadowing the Christmas balls and stuff on the Christmas tree on the Sam one but... You only live once.
(Okay I've waited the whole year that I could say that)
So I kind of doubt that I manage to do any bigger works before next year but.. Until then I wish you all stay healthy and that you all have fantastic new years and really super merry Christmas!

torstai 13. joulukuuta 2012

I am really sorry for lack of activity here!

But I am back here with some doodles for you, since I have been quite busy with a lot of things and currently I have been ill for four days straight, and this is the first day I kind of feel like I have some strength to do something. Like cleaning up my room and stuff like that. 

And yeah.. so I had forgotten my tablet in Helsinki but I got my baby back, so I haven't much drawn anything proper beside from Christmas cards (Which I can't yet post here, gotta wait until people receive them in the mail, honk honk!) and some doodles of RPs and AU related stuff. 
Enough of chatter, and here with the pics!

So this is some character references, for a roleplay I am having with a friend of mine telling about this guy right here; Castiel, who leaves to New York to find himself. And so well, he becomes a preformer and he's a skateboarder as well with a corgi dog named Richie. So it's really an Alternative Universe for Supernatural, technically. And sorry for the trollface, but I really fucked his face up. And the rose is a tattoo design and there's a close-up of his ear and all. 

Some more Rocker!Castiel showing off his nipple piercing Just some anatomy practice and folding practice. 

And once I wasn't on the computer because my mother was nagging at me so I put some time on this one while sketching and listening to whine for not being social and stuff like that. No reference used, what you cal tell by the wrong proportions in his face. It's supposed to be Jensen Ackles.

But anyway, I am not completely dead!
I hope to be posting more art soon for you!