keskiviikko 20. maaliskuuta 2013


I'm gonna hold a break to this blog for... Well. I don't know how long, but right now I feel like I have other things to get in order and get them well as well. 
There's been a lot of things going on and I feel stuck and stuff. 
But for now. I think I might do a right decision.
I haven't been able to make any form of art in a longer period of time now, but I think it's alright. When I get back, I will start with a new sort of project (If I come back, that is), and it would be called "Me and my life with Steve." 

It's going to be based on anxiety and how you live with it. My anxiety's name is Steve. And I would want to share to you how the everyday coping with a disease like that is like. But for now.

Thank you for the time and the active blog readers. 
I will let you know if I'll come back or not. 

perjantai 8. helmikuuta 2013

Moment of Solitude

Haven't been doing much lately, so I decided to bring my ass around to do a proper painting once again. So I haven't completely forgotten about you guys either. 
So, I started to just sketch, and I have been feeling rather stressed about everything. I have had a lot of things in school and I feel like I am drowning in them. So what I would like to have a moment of solitude myself as well.
And somehow, that's the point with this painting I will show step-by-step to you. 

Jensen Why you so ANIME? =(^o^)=
So here is the sketch. I came to the conclusion that I better just show you the picture than take screen shots, since the line art is really tiny. Click on the image for a better view. And yes, I've put my signature over it since I found out people has been stealing my art, and I really am sad that I have to do this. But I hope you understand my point of view. I am sick and tired of running after some kids stealing my art from the net. But anyway. let's get moving.
So, I already started with the eyes and I've been doing extra carefully the shading this time, since I really want this to be perfect. I don't usually like to put too much effort, but now when I haven't drawn again in a long while, I really find this enjoyable. I already painted the eyes to a shape and brought the nose and lips out. I'll continue to shade in the black and whites. 
Now I have blended in the colours, still I have to blend in the black edges and do some facial structures and textures and we're getting closer to done. 

Well this is going to take a while.
Yess, I am sill alive, and I am now gonna make a quick background and I am done!
And here's the result of this painting I was making. I am actually pretty pleased with the result to be honest. I like the colours and the eyes especially in this detailing work. And the nose! The bloody nose!
So well. I hope you like it and see you around

keskiviikko 23. tammikuuta 2013

Se on Petriii!

I am sorry but I don't really have any step by step on this one, only the finished product.
But I hope that is alright with you guys.
I just got a feeling that I wanted to paint someone Finnish, so I somehow ended up with Petri Nygård. Not still sure how on earth that happened but it just happened, alright? 
So anyway, enough of chatter, and here comes the piece!
Wanted to try something wanna be artsy partsy collection and this is the result. So um. There's not much to say, It was a pretty quick piece and didn't put much time on it but somehow I am still pleased how it turned out. Kinda missing the summer really. I wish the summer would turn soon up. 
But anyway. Jeppisjepulis. Herewe go. 
I hope you like it and I will be back again later on with more art, of course! 