lauantai 19. toukokuuta 2012

Breathe of Life

Long time, no update!
I am very sorry for such a long break from me, and since I really have written anything properly here.
I haven't had much inspiration lately, but I will post here some art I have done during my artblock.
And Well, there was quite a lot of personal issues as well behind this why I didn't post much here anything... Felt a bit blue and had some difficult time in my personal time.

But anyway, I am returning back feeling slightly better, and with a new obsession; Supernatural.
I love that show, and I have done some fanart for that as well.

So please have some doodles I've made while I was off!

So basically I haven't done traditional art in ages, so it was about time that I picked up the pencil and a piece of paper and tried if it would work. So Well, this is basically the result of that all.
More some doodles and traditional art. But anyway, let's move on there's not really much anything else I have gotten together than this anyway.
So, Here's what I just finished off, all the steps and stuff that I usually post. 

So, since I once again managed to lose the sketch of this, so here we got the lineart!
So now I got some colour to it and all the structures I need and source of light.
And the finished product. Sorry, i didn't really have much time to get the steps to this. So I really apologize. At least I can say I shall never paint wings again. Never.
But anyway, I hope you enjoy this very quick and short update. Hopefully I'll get around to do something more at some point.
See you around!


2 kommenttia:

  1. The last picture is beautiful and gorgeous <3__<3

    Also, I really like the way you draw people's hair. It looks so natural.

    1. Thank you very much, anon! I really have a lot of trouble when it comes to paint hair, because I honestly think it's a literal pain in the ass, and it always turns out to be slightly off placed or just a big plup on the picture. But thank you, this means a lot for me! <3
