tiistai 27. maaliskuuta 2012

All is Unique

This is a very quick and random update with a more different like artwork for you, sadly I don't have any steps for this one, since this one is based on a discussion I, Jaane-had-a-surgery and my-motivation-is-your-salary had over on Ventrilo yesterday. We then started to discuss about he fact how people really underestimate other individuals, and of they possibly can feel like, and what they think, and do, and say. All these things are linked to each other of course. So we actually had quite a political and opinionated discussion on ventrilo, as we then ended up doing an illustration of what we really feel, and are afraid to admit. There was a lot of things what we are afraid to admit to people, so what is the right way to express yourself on? Art. Yes. For us it is definitely any form of art.
Jaane-had-a-surgery is currently actually working on song lyrics which I may post here if he gives me the permission to do so, and my-motivation-is-your-salary helped me with the illustration of what it might really go around in people's minds and might be one of the deepest secrets and things what we all wish people knew about us.
So now I'll present to you, our small illustration of this discussion.
I am not going to point out whom is whom in this picture, but you might recognize some of them, and whom is whom. I did  a couple of changes, as my-motivation-is-your-salary thought that it needed some changes, so it is updated. 
So I wanted to share a couple of quotations from the chat from yesterday, which really stayed in my mind over the whole night. 

"You know, sometimes people don't even know where they are putting themselves, they don't know that one bad comment can really ruin someone for days, because they don't actually know how they feel like. And personally, I think it's wrong for some people to think that they actually know how some individual feels like, when there's actually the problem, no one can ever know what an individual is feeling like. Therefore it's wrong that people judge them and crush these individuals for the only course to make them feel better about themselves. That is called that they are acting as God themselves, which doesn't make them at all better than the individual they think they can look through like an open book."

"What hurts me the most is that I know, that there's still children out there, cutting themselves because no one believed them. They of course blamed on the fact that no one understands or wants to, or doesn't care.
And do you know what people call these people? Attention Seekers. There's always a reason for the need of seeking attention. Either is the individual very sad and have a problem, or just wants to satisfy their needs of attention. Or even the fact that they want to feel accepted for once, and feel that there is someone for them.
And what I want to say to these people, Please remember. There's always someone who is thinking of you, and who cares for you. You just have to open your eyes and look around to see these people.
And for the last thing, it's very funny how some people who are famous on the internet can be as much of a mary sue as they ever want to, and no one judges them, but if someone not-so-famous on the internet once in a while says that they feel sad, they're right away stamped as 'attention whore' or 'mary sue'. Sad isn't it? 
I want a change. Everyone has the right to tell what they feel like. And that's actually better than locking up inside oneself, right?"

"I am sorry for those people who have to go through school bullying, cyberbullying, or any form of ignorance and hatred against them. Because the people whom do it, they never know what kind of effect they might have on the persons life."

So this was one taking quite a huge role. But well, sometimes it's one way to express oneself. I will be updating soon again with more proper art. :) 

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