I feel like I have amnesia,
but I know it's myself I've lost.
I wonder what's happened so far,
and what might have been the cost.
I'm not sure I want to know
any of the things I've done.
I don't know yet where to go,
but I'll accept my past is gone.
I feel like I have amnesia,
and I've missed the heavenly host.
I'm surprised I've come this far,
living without what I need most.
So these are the inspirational lyrics for this next painting! I haven't been doing much lately but I've struggled real bad art block, so I am glad I'll get this even done!
Castiel has such animu kawaii eyes. But now next stop, skin!
Got it smudged in, will return later back to fix the ear and the cheek a bit more.
I need to fix his ear and a bit the shape of the head still, but painted the eyes there now.
Added some eyebrows and some noise to the picture, brings it nicer out. And some stubble as well!
I kinda then lost track here and forgot to take screencaps, but I guess that's alright?
So here's the finished product!

But anyway, I hope you like it, and see you soon again!
oh my god the FUCKING EYES. How do you do such gorgeous eyes!?!?!?!?
VastaaPoistaThis is brilliant mate. Keep 'em great art coming!
Eyes are the best part of the whole painting progress, because well.. It's the mirror to ones soul, right? C: Kinda thought I'd set up a tutorial at some point or well, show people how I paint eyes if I wouldn't be such a lazy artist most of the time. /shrug
PoistaBut thank you very much, and I'll be giving you soon more art again!
Tove... Varför kan du rita o it jag? ): :D men hej snygg bild endå (: ♥ jatka samaa mallii(: