tiistai 27. maaliskuuta 2012

All is Unique

This is a very quick and random update with a more different like artwork for you, sadly I don't have any steps for this one, since this one is based on a discussion I, Jaane-had-a-surgery and my-motivation-is-your-salary had over on Ventrilo yesterday. We then started to discuss about he fact how people really underestimate other individuals, and of they possibly can feel like, and what they think, and do, and say. All these things are linked to each other of course. So we actually had quite a political and opinionated discussion on ventrilo, as we then ended up doing an illustration of what we really feel, and are afraid to admit. There was a lot of things what we are afraid to admit to people, so what is the right way to express yourself on? Art. Yes. For us it is definitely any form of art.
Jaane-had-a-surgery is currently actually working on song lyrics which I may post here if he gives me the permission to do so, and my-motivation-is-your-salary helped me with the illustration of what it might really go around in people's minds and might be one of the deepest secrets and things what we all wish people knew about us.
So now I'll present to you, our small illustration of this discussion.
I am not going to point out whom is whom in this picture, but you might recognize some of them, and whom is whom. I did  a couple of changes, as my-motivation-is-your-salary thought that it needed some changes, so it is updated. 
So I wanted to share a couple of quotations from the chat from yesterday, which really stayed in my mind over the whole night. 

"You know, sometimes people don't even know where they are putting themselves, they don't know that one bad comment can really ruin someone for days, because they don't actually know how they feel like. And personally, I think it's wrong for some people to think that they actually know how some individual feels like, when there's actually the problem, no one can ever know what an individual is feeling like. Therefore it's wrong that people judge them and crush these individuals for the only course to make them feel better about themselves. That is called that they are acting as God themselves, which doesn't make them at all better than the individual they think they can look through like an open book."

"What hurts me the most is that I know, that there's still children out there, cutting themselves because no one believed them. They of course blamed on the fact that no one understands or wants to, or doesn't care.
And do you know what people call these people? Attention Seekers. There's always a reason for the need of seeking attention. Either is the individual very sad and have a problem, or just wants to satisfy their needs of attention. Or even the fact that they want to feel accepted for once, and feel that there is someone for them.
And what I want to say to these people, Please remember. There's always someone who is thinking of you, and who cares for you. You just have to open your eyes and look around to see these people.
And for the last thing, it's very funny how some people who are famous on the internet can be as much of a mary sue as they ever want to, and no one judges them, but if someone not-so-famous on the internet once in a while says that they feel sad, they're right away stamped as 'attention whore' or 'mary sue'. Sad isn't it? 
I want a change. Everyone has the right to tell what they feel like. And that's actually better than locking up inside oneself, right?"

"I am sorry for those people who have to go through school bullying, cyberbullying, or any form of ignorance and hatred against them. Because the people whom do it, they never know what kind of effect they might have on the persons life."

So this was one taking quite a huge role. But well, sometimes it's one way to express oneself. I will be updating soon again with more proper art. :) 

lauantai 24. maaliskuuta 2012

The Hungergames

So I was here on the friday downtown, as I and my friends went to watch the Hungergames, and I can just say, I am already sold. The plot, the movie, the effects, the actors and actresses... Everything was just splendid! I haven't still yet read the books, but I am trying to get those books as soon as possible, because I'd die to read them as soon as possible, because books are always better than the movies, ain't 'em? 
But well anyhow! So I decided I'd do some Hungergames fanart! 
So I am using again some reference, as I try to make the painting to look as closely as the original photo.
So here's the reference I've got!
So I'll do a close-up on his face, so, here we got the sketch what I sketched over on photoshop CS5. 
So now I have sketched it quickly over on Photoshop, it's time for some quick linearting!
So here we got the Lineart of Peeta! I a quite pleased how it turned out, so now it's time for the fun fun fun fun fun part!
And now for the best part... Shading and sculpting the face and the painting progress! :) 
So here we got the procession! So now I'll start working o the blending! The nicest part! 
So, now I've been working on the blending 5 hours straight, and this is all what I've gotten together so far. it's very exhausting, but totally worth it. 

And here we got the same picture as above, but without the linearts. Phew.

 Still a lot to go here, yeah? But I will certainly finish this painting, because I need to get this done, because seriously, if not I'll be dead. 

Some more process...
And here we got the face, all ready and done, still a couple of fixes still ahead. :) And then I'll continue with his hair. 
As I've said many times, I just simply hate hair. It's so difficult to paint and make look realistic. But well, I'll return later on to the hair again, I'll just finish up the shirt and do the background, and then I'll fix the hair. 
And personal note to self; F*ck the backgrounds! 
But well, here we got the finished product! I am quite glad how it turned out, and such. So please, do leave a comment and tell me what you think C: 
Tove is over and out!

perjantai 23. maaliskuuta 2012

The forgotten Souls

So this one is actually for once; Original. had some reference on the facial expression and on the fabrics, but otherwise it's much what I've got together sketching around. I don't have the sketch right now to the hands, so I hope you don't mind that I'll jump right to the lineart as soon as I have explained a bit more close what the idea is with this picture.

So I don't usually make up any names for my paintings or for the characters I am painting (because the most of the art what I am doing is fanart anyway) so, this time; I did an exception. The characters name is Shazaem, and he's a Necromancer and did black magic of the end of the world before this consisting earth, and that's why we got the name for this painting, "The Forgotten Souls." He saved our race alongside with his companions and warriors of Necromancy, and that's the story and the start of the revolution we've gone through all these millions years. 

Okay that was a bit back-up for this, but now, for the lineart!
Since I don't sadly have the sketch layer anymore, so here is where we start. So here we got our Shazaem, and that what is on his chest is supposed to be a scar. And as I said, I hate to draw fabrics, it's very difficult and time taking, and I need more practice on that area, as well on the skin. But let's get started, now it's time for the colouring!
Plain and boring, yes, but now, It's time for the shading, and the most fun part! Sculpting the features to the facial structure and stuff. 
Ah darn, I see I did a small mistake, didn't colour the whole thing! But luckily I can crop the image if needed! So well, I chose dark colours because  wanted to bring the characters dynamic and create a dramatic atmosphere for the picture, so this is the result! Now blending blending and more blending ahead!
Blending blending and more blending ahead. I'm not happy with his facial structure nor his lips, so there's still work to do, but I keep a pause from that now. So the next step what I'll fix up is the fabric. Dear god I'm going to die. But let's see, hopefully things will be just fine! 
And Have I ever told you how much I hate to draw hair? Well now you know. it's a pain in the ass but well... I will return later on back to the hair layer, I want to finish those painful  fabrics, so I can then start with the background and fix his hair. But precisely I am quite pleased with the result so far. 
So now I've got the fabrics done... it was this time easier than I had expected! So now I'll re-do his hair since I am not at all pleased with that mess what I should be calling hair here. 
Now I've got a background, and I did a couple of final fixes, and this is the result of this project.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet Shazaem!
This project was a lot of fun to do, and especially I enjoyed to sculpt his face and the fabrics, I am not too happy with his hair though, could have used more time.... Or well actually hang on a second, I'll try to fix that son of a mess up!
Okay. This is much better, and Now I am already exhausted with this picture, so I declare this picture as done!
I hope you enjoy this I-once-was-a-brunette-but-then-I-became-emo-Shazaem! :D
Sometimes things doesn't go as according to plan. But yes, I am over and out!

keskiviikko 21. maaliskuuta 2012

A whole new World.

This piece of art is dedicated to my Sister who Love Nick Pitera as much as I do, and as well to Nick Pitera himself. I am trying to make a look alike with a picture of him which would happen to be this lovely picture of him.
So I decided I'll use Photoshop CS5, and Will only do a close-up of his face and right hand. (okay that sounded a bit wrongly formuled but you get the picture soon.) So here we have the sketch of when I sketched this picture over in Photoshop.
And then there was of course linearting ahead, but as you can see, I just did some quick and rough sketching over, and it took approx 15 minutes, and did some quick clean up as well. It was a tad difficult when it came to the linearting of this piece, but it certainly was worth it I can tell you!
Rough linearting with the sketch still beneath You could tell, now at the moment I have just three layers, one called background and layer1 and layer2.
And then I deleted layer1 which consisted of the sketch of the picture I wanted to paint. And Now is the fun part ahead, painting, and going crazy and loosing control! 
Some of the colours I added, most by eye, and taken by sister colours and by a high trancaprency of the brush tool setting. It makes the shading a lot more easier, now I just have to add the shadings to the fabrics, and clean it up. I have currently now 11 layers on this picture. 
So approx 4 hours later this is what I've gotten together, have to still work on his hair line a bit, and then starts the hell; Fabrics. I have a lot of problems when it comes to painting fabrics, it's really difficult I can assure you. So currently I have too many layers, and I've merged the most of them.. So the next what I have here to do is his clothes of course. ffufufufuu. I should consider to start drawing naked people

So Now I've finished the painting and the fabrics, but I am not pleased as you can tell.  But well, I am running out of time, so I don't have too much time to mourn about this. And I used some vector as well in this to the heart, because I didn't get it right at all. And Now I've added some back ground, and Now I'll do some final detailing, and editing of the colour, and we're done! 

So Now we're done, so here wave the done result of the picture. I screwed up the pattern on his shirt but... That's life! But yes, I hope you enjoyed this steps I've showed you, and the process of making this painting of Nick Pitera to my beloved sister. <3
I hope she'll like it, since I didn't tell her at all about this, that I'd do something like this to her.

I had a good time at least painting this, Nick's face is just so much fun to paint <3

But I am over and out, and have a nice night!

tiistai 20. maaliskuuta 2012

A new Start to this all

Since I have trouble to find my own language to this all, I decided I'll do this blog in English, because of reasons. And I had once back in the days a personal blog, but I quit writing it, since I well, I don't want that my life can be read by everyone. But a little back up story about me, and my Art blog.

So I am Tove, a 16 year old girl from Finland, who have a burning passion for Art. People tend to mistake me for  being a male, but it's alright. Some people even call me Charlie, because they tend to think that I am a man than a woman, so you can choose which name you want me to call, or call me whatever comes to your mind, I am fine with anything. People tend to mistake me on that part anyway.

So I will from now on Post here my art, I even put up a tag for my old art, so If You  want to see older creations from me, feel free to go and check out my tags, or deviantART, which you can find from my information. I have a tumblr as well, but feel free to hunt that down, I won't be sharing it here.

So yes. If you have any questions feel free to ask from me anything!
The most common art form from me is definitely though Fanart, Realism and People. I am working on the magic of backgrounds, but it's difficult.

Hope you enjoy my little blog. :)

Love, Tove