perjantai 23. maaliskuuta 2012

The forgotten Souls

So this one is actually for once; Original. had some reference on the facial expression and on the fabrics, but otherwise it's much what I've got together sketching around. I don't have the sketch right now to the hands, so I hope you don't mind that I'll jump right to the lineart as soon as I have explained a bit more close what the idea is with this picture.

So I don't usually make up any names for my paintings or for the characters I am painting (because the most of the art what I am doing is fanart anyway) so, this time; I did an exception. The characters name is Shazaem, and he's a Necromancer and did black magic of the end of the world before this consisting earth, and that's why we got the name for this painting, "The Forgotten Souls." He saved our race alongside with his companions and warriors of Necromancy, and that's the story and the start of the revolution we've gone through all these millions years. 

Okay that was a bit back-up for this, but now, for the lineart!
Since I don't sadly have the sketch layer anymore, so here is where we start. So here we got our Shazaem, and that what is on his chest is supposed to be a scar. And as I said, I hate to draw fabrics, it's very difficult and time taking, and I need more practice on that area, as well on the skin. But let's get started, now it's time for the colouring!
Plain and boring, yes, but now, It's time for the shading, and the most fun part! Sculpting the features to the facial structure and stuff. 
Ah darn, I see I did a small mistake, didn't colour the whole thing! But luckily I can crop the image if needed! So well, I chose dark colours because  wanted to bring the characters dynamic and create a dramatic atmosphere for the picture, so this is the result! Now blending blending and more blending ahead!
Blending blending and more blending ahead. I'm not happy with his facial structure nor his lips, so there's still work to do, but I keep a pause from that now. So the next step what I'll fix up is the fabric. Dear god I'm going to die. But let's see, hopefully things will be just fine! 
And Have I ever told you how much I hate to draw hair? Well now you know. it's a pain in the ass but well... I will return later on back to the hair layer, I want to finish those painful  fabrics, so I can then start with the background and fix his hair. But precisely I am quite pleased with the result so far. 
So now I've got the fabrics done... it was this time easier than I had expected! So now I'll re-do his hair since I am not at all pleased with that mess what I should be calling hair here. 
Now I've got a background, and I did a couple of final fixes, and this is the result of this project.
Ladies and gentlemen, meet Shazaem!
This project was a lot of fun to do, and especially I enjoyed to sculpt his face and the fabrics, I am not too happy with his hair though, could have used more time.... Or well actually hang on a second, I'll try to fix that son of a mess up!
Okay. This is much better, and Now I am already exhausted with this picture, so I declare this picture as done!
I hope you enjoy this I-once-was-a-brunette-but-then-I-became-emo-Shazaem! :D
Sometimes things doesn't go as according to plan. But yes, I am over and out!

2 kommenttia:

  1. Oh wow, this is really compelling and wonderful! For example, I love the colours and the way you've... put shadows to the picture, especially to the face. (Somehow I feel like that last bit could've been put slightly more eloquently... oh well.)

    1. Dear anonymous,
      Thank you a lot for the comment! I was a bit lazy while I was working on this, and I kind of rushed the end. I have considered to redo this painting someday when I have more time after the finals and such. (So much school stuff, haven't been able to update in AGES here. Oh god) This comment made me smile big time. :)
