lauantai 15. joulukuuta 2012

We need a little bit Christmas!

Since most of my friends on the Christmas card list already got their Christmas cards, now I can finally post them here!
So here's my Castiel Christmas card! This is the one I am most proud of since I kinda like his sideburn and his lips in this one : D Should do more shell shading works again, love that technique!

 And here we got my Dean Christmas Card and I can honestly say that I was not too proud of this one and I didn't come up with what he'd be saying so.. it's a bit half assed, but still I was pretty okay with the fact that I sent this one to people. Let's see in a couple of weeks when the regret hits back. And in the Backrgound we got really shitty silhouettes of Castiel, Bobby and Sam. 

And this one I was actually pretty proud of except of the derp reindeer on Sam's ugly Christmas sweater.. But there was only one who wanted Sam for Christmas /manly tears

But yes, these was this years Christmas cards from me! I know I was lazy in shadowing the Christmas balls and stuff on the Christmas tree on the Sam one but... You only live once.
(Okay I've waited the whole year that I could say that)
So I kind of doubt that I manage to do any bigger works before next year but.. Until then I wish you all stay healthy and that you all have fantastic new years and really super merry Christmas!

torstai 13. joulukuuta 2012

I am really sorry for lack of activity here!

But I am back here with some doodles for you, since I have been quite busy with a lot of things and currently I have been ill for four days straight, and this is the first day I kind of feel like I have some strength to do something. Like cleaning up my room and stuff like that. 

And yeah.. so I had forgotten my tablet in Helsinki but I got my baby back, so I haven't much drawn anything proper beside from Christmas cards (Which I can't yet post here, gotta wait until people receive them in the mail, honk honk!) and some doodles of RPs and AU related stuff. 
Enough of chatter, and here with the pics!

So this is some character references, for a roleplay I am having with a friend of mine telling about this guy right here; Castiel, who leaves to New York to find himself. And so well, he becomes a preformer and he's a skateboarder as well with a corgi dog named Richie. So it's really an Alternative Universe for Supernatural, technically. And sorry for the trollface, but I really fucked his face up. And the rose is a tattoo design and there's a close-up of his ear and all. 

Some more Rocker!Castiel showing off his nipple piercing Just some anatomy practice and folding practice. 

And once I wasn't on the computer because my mother was nagging at me so I put some time on this one while sketching and listening to whine for not being social and stuff like that. No reference used, what you cal tell by the wrong proportions in his face. It's supposed to be Jensen Ackles.

But anyway, I am not completely dead!
I hope to be posting more art soon for you!

lauantai 10. marraskuuta 2012


I am really sorry for lack of activity on my blog again, but I've had a bit personal issues going on again, and that I kinda forgot my tablet at my friend's place so I haven't been able to draw properly. (or well, I've been drawing on paper, but my scanner doesn't work so I can't upload and show to you anything... Last time it worked was last Monday, but... Today, nope. Most probably suffering of some sort of PMS... I mean my scanner.)

So I don't know when I'll be able to be drawing and painting again, it will take a while. But, I'll be updating whenever I get something done and finished/scanned.
Thank you for your understanding, and I am deeply sorry about this. :-(
Love, Thomas 

tiistai 9. lokakuuta 2012

My Doctor

First of all I want to apologize over the fact that I don't really have any step by step on this piece of art what I've done lately, only the finished product of it. So I hope you don't murder me about this one. 

So well, I was requested back in tumblr that I should do a realism painting of Christopher Eccleston/9th Doctor from Doctor who, so I was like "Well, why the heck not! he's anyway really charming and he'll be forever my Doctor, even though I haven't watched the show for a while."
Yeah, haven't yet seen the newest episodes of Doctor Who yet, but.. I'll be waiting until this whole season has come out so I can then see it completely without have to wait billions of years to the next episode. /snort

But enough of chatter, and out with the result!

Did a bit more of a harsh shading on this only using the hard brush, not the soft one. And I am actuallypretty pleased with the outcome, gave it much more of an edge, you know? Yes. 
It's nice, and I can say that painting teeth is painful, but I am really pleased of the  eyes outcome and the jacket. Had loads of problem with the leather fabric outcome so I am more than happy that I got this out of the daylight!

So! I hope you have a wonderful day and see you again soon!
And yes before I forget; I've updated the 'Other' section again with some doodles and less important art, so go and take a look if you please!
Love you,

perjantai 21. syyskuuta 2012


I feel like I have amnesia,

but I know it's myself I've lost.
I wonder what's happened so far,
and what might have been the cost.

I'm not sure I want to know
any of the things I've done.
I don't know yet where to go,
but I'll accept my past is gone.

I feel like I have amnesia,
and I've missed the heavenly host.
I'm surprised I've come this far,
living without what I need most.

So these are the inspirational lyrics for this next painting! I haven't been doing much lately but I've struggled real bad art block, so I am glad I'll get this even done!

Castiel has such animu kawaii eyes. But now next stop, skin!
Got it smudged in, will return later back to fix the ear and the cheek a bit more.
I need to fix his ear and a bit the shape of the head still, but  painted the eyes there now. 
Added some eyebrows and some noise to the picture, brings it nicer out. And some stubble as well!
I kinda then lost track here and forgot to take screencaps, but I guess that's alright?
So here's the finished product!
Tried a bit this old movie vintage picture style filters to the result and this is how it looks like. his nose is a bit off and the colours as well are a bit off, but... No can do I have to say.
But anyway, I hope you like it, and see you soon again!

lauantai 21. heinäkuuta 2012

Supernatural only consists of beautiful Men

As the title says, really. That television show only consists of beautiful men, Like Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins... And Jeffrey Dean Morgan. 
So I've decided that I'd more than love to paint Jeffrey, because he's absolutely fantastic, and I've painted the three others already, so why not, a bit of more challenge with more mature like character for a change.
I by the way added a couple of pages to my blog; Commission Info and Other. So If you are interested to order a commission from me, please check that out, and Other section kind of just consists of stuff what was not worthy enough to get an own entry and stuff like that. There will be even unfinished paintings which I'll never finish most probably. 
But anyway, back to the subject!

So, if you don't know who Jeffrey Dean Morgan (JDM) is, so here, have a picture of him.
Honestly speaking, I mistaken him first for Robert Downey Jr for a long while. It was a bit confusing, but really they look a lot alike!
....or then I just really am dumb. 
But anyhow! Let's move on!
So, here we have the sketchlineart  (I invented the word, really.) of JDM!
This is actually the first time that I take a screen capture of the progress image, but I came under the conclusion that it's quicker and easier to remember to take step pictures of the progress like this!
So anyway, I've started to do a different kind of sketch/linearting
I've started to do the shading construction right after this that I can know where to put the colours and the shades on the right place without too much trouble.
I've decided this one will be in greyscale. Maybe a bit like bleached style.
Wish me luck First time starting right ahead from the greyscale mode. 

More screenshotting! yay! So, anyway, now I've started to sculpt the face as I am trying to come to some sort of conclusion with this how it works and stuff, but I guess I've gotten some sort of hang of this all!

And without line-art and a painted eye. 
more construction
Just started to paint the shirt to the image, and so far I am pretty glad with the outcome and the result. I got a feeling that I'll get far with this one, and I'll actually finish it up.
I've started to blend the shadings into each other It's quite a... well, it's quite a work honestly, but even the best part of it all during the painting progress.
As I usually say and cry the most about, It's the clothes and fabrics. Because honestly, it's a pain in the ass to paint, and I think I am just soon on the edge to loose my temper with it, but I'll be hanging though here.
So I just did some detailing on JDMs face, so here, have a close up!
Still got a plenty of detailing and edging to do, but I'll do stuff a little bit here and there, to get to the end result. Here I got still to fix the shirt and the eyebrow. And his fingers.
Now I've got the box he's sitting on ready, and I got the shades to his shirt placed. Now it's just blending ahead and his other hand and detailing and then the filters! Whoo!
And hair! let's not forget about the hair!
So now I've got the background and some of the filters used, now I am just checking some color lookups if there would be anything interesting. I've set up the contrast and the colour balance by now.
And here's the finished result! 
I am not too fond of how the shirt turned out but, meh... I got such a headache and my motivation was dying really badly out, so I am sorry about that.

But I hope you enjoyed this new kind of posting, with screenshots and all :) 
Tove is over and out!

tiistai 26. kesäkuuta 2012

Mysterious mail time

Hello guys! Again it has been such a long while since I've last time actually updated something in here, so it is about time that I am back in here and typing this and updating you guys about my art status and stuff like that. I haven't really even much produced art lately, since my Photoshop CS5 quit working, so I ordered the Photoshop CS6 extended and received it about two weeks about, and it has been working like a wonder!
So well,I have been eventually doing pretty okay, things are sometimes a bit complicated, but life is that, right?
If it wouldn't be, would it even count as life?
But anyhow.
Today I have again some Supernatural for you guys!
It was actually a 'Mysterious Mail' I've sent for a friend of mine just to surprise her, because she sent me something what I absolutely fell in love with, so I wanted to back favour her as well with something self-made as well. 

 So here we got the rough sketch/linearting for this one piece. I've gotten actually much better at straightly linearting and stuff like that, but this is actually a quite cleaned up version of what I usually paint and stuff like that. So it's a clean sketchlineart? I don't actually even know a proper word for that. /chuckle
A close-up on the face and how I sculpted it and already started to blend the colours togetherin this point. I am pretty happy how I've sculpted the nose and lips and the ears in this one, since I usually have most trouble with those parts on the human body, right after clothing and hair.
So here I've already started to paint on the shirt, and on this point I already got the hair and face set and done except for the detailing which still remains in this point.
I have been lazy enough to not save so many process pictures, so I am pretty sorry. So here we already got the shirt and the jacket done.
Honestly speaking I should quit being so lazy to take process pictures or screenshots... But oh well at this point I got quite the trouble to come up with a night background since I had already in the start decided that it's going to be in night vision, so you can only imagine with how many different backgrounds I tried with.
I first tried with a church window, but no.
A road?
A forest road?

Still in this point I had some lighting errors and stuff, but I painted the background in a separate window and added it to this picture, so I will add the background to the end as well, because I'm pretty pleased how it turned out.
/Note to myself; Never paint forests again.
So here I did the final fixes and this was the final result of this all! I am pleased how it turned out and it was my first painting on Photoshop CS6, so I was a little bit lost with all the features and stuff like that.
But I truly hope you will enjoy the result as much as I do, and I hope that you will maybe leave a comment and stuff like that. You don't have to if you don't want to, but it is always appreciated and it makes me smile. :) I used a bit reference on the pose, but I just can't find the photo anymore from my computer because I am not so organized as I should be. /shrug

So well, the background can be found right here!

So yeah... The file is much bigger than the painting itself really.Got a lot of different layers and filters and stuff like that to make it look a  bit spooky to work with the picture so... yeah!

So I sent her a Dean Winchester. I really hope she'll like it, because I'm really really nervous and feel like I didn't really do my best even though I did... God things are complicated.
But well, I hope you enjoyed this longer journal entry, and I will update later on.
Just started with a new project, called "Almost Me." And it's gonna be huuge. And Original /what
So well.
I hope you are doing well, and see you next time!

lauantai 19. toukokuuta 2012

Breathe of Life

Long time, no update!
I am very sorry for such a long break from me, and since I really have written anything properly here.
I haven't had much inspiration lately, but I will post here some art I have done during my artblock.
And Well, there was quite a lot of personal issues as well behind this why I didn't post much here anything... Felt a bit blue and had some difficult time in my personal time.

But anyway, I am returning back feeling slightly better, and with a new obsession; Supernatural.
I love that show, and I have done some fanart for that as well.

So please have some doodles I've made while I was off!

So basically I haven't done traditional art in ages, so it was about time that I picked up the pencil and a piece of paper and tried if it would work. So Well, this is basically the result of that all.
More some doodles and traditional art. But anyway, let's move on there's not really much anything else I have gotten together than this anyway.
So, Here's what I just finished off, all the steps and stuff that I usually post. 

So, since I once again managed to lose the sketch of this, so here we got the lineart!
So now I got some colour to it and all the structures I need and source of light.
And the finished product. Sorry, i didn't really have much time to get the steps to this. So I really apologize. At least I can say I shall never paint wings again. Never.
But anyway, I hope you enjoy this very quick and short update. Hopefully I'll get around to do something more at some point.
See you around!


tiistai 27. maaliskuuta 2012

All is Unique

This is a very quick and random update with a more different like artwork for you, sadly I don't have any steps for this one, since this one is based on a discussion I, Jaane-had-a-surgery and my-motivation-is-your-salary had over on Ventrilo yesterday. We then started to discuss about he fact how people really underestimate other individuals, and of they possibly can feel like, and what they think, and do, and say. All these things are linked to each other of course. So we actually had quite a political and opinionated discussion on ventrilo, as we then ended up doing an illustration of what we really feel, and are afraid to admit. There was a lot of things what we are afraid to admit to people, so what is the right way to express yourself on? Art. Yes. For us it is definitely any form of art.
Jaane-had-a-surgery is currently actually working on song lyrics which I may post here if he gives me the permission to do so, and my-motivation-is-your-salary helped me with the illustration of what it might really go around in people's minds and might be one of the deepest secrets and things what we all wish people knew about us.
So now I'll present to you, our small illustration of this discussion.
I am not going to point out whom is whom in this picture, but you might recognize some of them, and whom is whom. I did  a couple of changes, as my-motivation-is-your-salary thought that it needed some changes, so it is updated. 
So I wanted to share a couple of quotations from the chat from yesterday, which really stayed in my mind over the whole night. 

"You know, sometimes people don't even know where they are putting themselves, they don't know that one bad comment can really ruin someone for days, because they don't actually know how they feel like. And personally, I think it's wrong for some people to think that they actually know how some individual feels like, when there's actually the problem, no one can ever know what an individual is feeling like. Therefore it's wrong that people judge them and crush these individuals for the only course to make them feel better about themselves. That is called that they are acting as God themselves, which doesn't make them at all better than the individual they think they can look through like an open book."

"What hurts me the most is that I know, that there's still children out there, cutting themselves because no one believed them. They of course blamed on the fact that no one understands or wants to, or doesn't care.
And do you know what people call these people? Attention Seekers. There's always a reason for the need of seeking attention. Either is the individual very sad and have a problem, or just wants to satisfy their needs of attention. Or even the fact that they want to feel accepted for once, and feel that there is someone for them.
And what I want to say to these people, Please remember. There's always someone who is thinking of you, and who cares for you. You just have to open your eyes and look around to see these people.
And for the last thing, it's very funny how some people who are famous on the internet can be as much of a mary sue as they ever want to, and no one judges them, but if someone not-so-famous on the internet once in a while says that they feel sad, they're right away stamped as 'attention whore' or 'mary sue'. Sad isn't it? 
I want a change. Everyone has the right to tell what they feel like. And that's actually better than locking up inside oneself, right?"

"I am sorry for those people who have to go through school bullying, cyberbullying, or any form of ignorance and hatred against them. Because the people whom do it, they never know what kind of effect they might have on the persons life."

So this was one taking quite a huge role. But well, sometimes it's one way to express oneself. I will be updating soon again with more proper art. :) 

lauantai 24. maaliskuuta 2012

The Hungergames

So I was here on the friday downtown, as I and my friends went to watch the Hungergames, and I can just say, I am already sold. The plot, the movie, the effects, the actors and actresses... Everything was just splendid! I haven't still yet read the books, but I am trying to get those books as soon as possible, because I'd die to read them as soon as possible, because books are always better than the movies, ain't 'em? 
But well anyhow! So I decided I'd do some Hungergames fanart! 
So I am using again some reference, as I try to make the painting to look as closely as the original photo.
So here's the reference I've got!
So I'll do a close-up on his face, so, here we got the sketch what I sketched over on photoshop CS5. 
So now I have sketched it quickly over on Photoshop, it's time for some quick linearting!
So here we got the Lineart of Peeta! I a quite pleased how it turned out, so now it's time for the fun fun fun fun fun part!
And now for the best part... Shading and sculpting the face and the painting progress! :) 
So here we got the procession! So now I'll start working o the blending! The nicest part! 
So, now I've been working on the blending 5 hours straight, and this is all what I've gotten together so far. it's very exhausting, but totally worth it. 

And here we got the same picture as above, but without the linearts. Phew.

 Still a lot to go here, yeah? But I will certainly finish this painting, because I need to get this done, because seriously, if not I'll be dead. 

Some more process...
And here we got the face, all ready and done, still a couple of fixes still ahead. :) And then I'll continue with his hair. 
As I've said many times, I just simply hate hair. It's so difficult to paint and make look realistic. But well, I'll return later on to the hair again, I'll just finish up the shirt and do the background, and then I'll fix the hair. 
And personal note to self; F*ck the backgrounds! 
But well, here we got the finished product! I am quite glad how it turned out, and such. So please, do leave a comment and tell me what you think C: 
Tove is over and out!